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2 avril 2020

CORRECTION TIME - Il y a + Possession


How are you?


It's sunny in Colmar? What is the weather like in Saint Louis?


Today is CORRECTION TIME! Take your green pen and correct or copy the correction in your copybook.


Ex.1 – Complète la phrase avec la bonne forme du verbe être (is ou are)

1. In my brother's house, there are two dogs.

2. I think, there is only (seulement) one house (maison) in my neighbourhood (quartier).

3. There is a good song (chanson) on that album.

4. There are thousands of Coronavirus survivors.

5. In hospitals, there are a lot of (beaucoup) wonderful (merveilleux) nurses and doctors.


Ex.2 – Décris ce qu'il y a chez toi. (au moins 10 phrases!)

Exemple : Chez moi, il y a deux chats et il y a une salle de bain. In my house, there are two cats and there is one bathroom.



6e - voc house


In my appartment, there is a bedroom and a living room.

There are two beds and one sofa which (qui) can (peut) transform into a bed.

There are five windows.

There is no garage.

There are a lot of clothes (vêtements). (Ici le verbe être “are” [pluriel] s'accorde avec clothes [pluriel], pas avec a lot [singulier])

There are more than (plus que) five hundred books.

There is no television, but there are two computers and two tablets.

There are many (plusieurs) pillows (coussins).

There is a kitchen.

There are a lot of plants!


Ex 3. Choisis la bonne structure du Génitif

1. Ryan's car is red but _____________ is black.


□ Christophers truck

□ Christopher' truck

□ Christopher's truck


2. ___________ is alone (seule) in his classroom.


□ Mr Schmidt's pinecone

□ the pinecone's Mr Schmidt

□ Pinecone's Mr Schmidt


3. _______________ is Han Solo.


Kylo Ren's father

Father's Kylo Ren

Kylo Rens father


4. I like ____________.


Sonics blue hair

Sonic blue's hair

Sonic's blue hair


Ex 4: Traduis les phrases suivantes. Attention pas de “OF”.

1. La mère de Ben Solo est Leia Organa.

Ben Solo's mother is Leia Organa.

2. La chambre de ma soeur est orange.

My sister's bedroom is orange.

3. Mon chat est noir, mais le chat de mon frère est gris.

My cat is black, but my brother's cat is gray.

4. Les yeux de ma mère sont bleus.

My mother's eyes are blue.



Ex 5: Descris la famille de cette personne.

Complète l'arbre généalogique avec brother / grand-mother / father / sister / mother, puis écris plusieurs phrases pour donner le prénom des gens, leur âge, leur ville et/ou leur métier.


His (son à lui) father is Carl. He is 43 years old and he is a sales assistant. Carl's wife is Juliet. She is 42 and she lives in London. She is a pastry maker. Paul is Carl and Juliet's son. He is 16.


Carl and Juliet are divorced. Carl and Eve are married. Louise who (qui) is nine is Carl and Eve's daughter. She is 9 years old.


Juliet and Carl's child

> L'apostrophe est seulement sur le deuxième possesseur (Carl) : On parle alors de l'enfant de Juliet et Carl.

Juliet's and Eve's child

> L'apostrophe est sur les deux possesseurs (Juliet ET Eve) : On parle alors de l'enfant de Juliet et aussi celui d'Eve.


And that's it!


Thank you for being serious students.


Wash your hands.

Hug your parents.


(Wash et Hug sont deux verbes à l'impératif. L'impératif sert à donner un ordre ou un conseil. Il se construit comme en français.)




Miss Léon

MARDI - 15h/16h